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Продаю дом 120 кв.м деревянный
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Продаю дом 120 кв.м деревянный
: дом
Площадь дома: 120
Площадь участка, сот.: 10
Материал дома: деревянный
Расстояние до города: 7
Цена: 1849999 Продаю дом 120 кв.м деревянный
When moving to another country or opening a business in an unfamiliar territory, most people are faced with a huge number of pitfalls and nuances that must be taken into account in advance and protect themselves from unnecessary financial losses and disorders. Competent development of your business and smooth adaptation in the United States are possible if you cooperate with a team of multidisciplinary specialists, because to conduct business at the international level, you need professional legal support. In addition, there are often questions concerning not only business processes, but also everyday life, when you risk missing important points and incorrectly planning, for example, the transfer of assets from one country to another, which can lead to significant losses. With extensive experience in immigration law, business development and cost optimization, we provide our clients with the following services: A wide range of legal services when registering a new company in the
Buying an apartment or a house in America is the dream of many residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. US real estate is considered a reliable investment. In addition, the country is popular for immigration. How to find a suitable object, what you need to know before making a transaction, whether you can take out a mortgage and how much you will need to pay in excess of the price of the object? We tell you about everything in detail. Content of the article The rights of foreigners to purchase real estate Search for real estate in the United States Step-by-step scheme of a standard transaction Remote transaction Additional expenses How to get a mortgage in the United States Overview of the real estate market situation Resume: this must be remembered The rights of foreigners to purchase real estate Citizens of which countries have the right to purchase real estate in the United States U.S. law does not restrict foreigners. Citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan an
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